The Administration Committee is charged with supervision of the preparation of the schedule and agenda for all meetings of Presbytery, a directory to be distributed annually, receiving and recommending the Presbytery budget, maintaining the rolls of Presbyters, and overseeing the Office of the Stated Clerk. Admin Members:

TE Dr. David Barry, Chair (Moderator) Email
TE Dr. Robbie Crouse, Clerk (Stated Clerk) Email
TE T.J. Campo, Care Email
TE Andrew Siegenthaler, Credentials Email
TE Glenn Curran, JCOM Email
TE Aldo Leon, MCRC Email
TE Larry Trotter, Presbytery Life Email


The Care Committee is charged with bringing potential gospel ministers under their care, to oversee their internship, both at the Presbytery and local church level, to help ensure they are well prepared for the ministry of Christ Jesus. The Care Committee works in close conjunction with the Credentialing Committee for eventual presentation before Presbytery. Care Members:

TE T.J. Campo, Care Email
TE Gavin Felix
TE Greg Foss
RE Josh Roque


The Credentialing Team shall serve as the Examination Team of the Presbytery to interview and examine prior to their appearance before Presbytery, pastors with a call or a change in call within the Presbytery, candidates for Ordination, and applicants for Licensure. Credentialing Members:

TE Andrew Siegenthaler, Chair Email
TE John Stevenson, Secretary Email
TE Justin Beam
TE Juan Cotto
TE Steve Lantz
TE David Moran
RE Bill Parkes
TE Jorge Trujillo

Judicial CoMmission

All matters properly brought to the Stated Clerk that are of a judicial nature are automatically deferred by Presbytery to the Judicial Commission.  Matters that are in judicial and administrative order will be handled by the Judicial Commission through final judgment (or other determination) which will then be approved or rejected by the Presbytery as a whole.  Judicial Commission Members:

RE Glenn Curran, Chair Email
TE Matt Dubocq
RE Bob Gage
TE Warren Gage
TE Sam Kastensmidt
TE Kent Keller
TE Steve Lantz
RE Brian McKelligett
TE Tim Sansbury
RE Jacques Slocumb
RE Dave Smith
TE Larry Trotter
RE Chuck Zink


The Minister & Church Relations Team shall serve as the Team of Presbytery to counsel with Pastors and/or Churches to preclude conflicts; to help resolve disputes; to advance the spiritual welfare of the Churches under care of Presbytery; to ensure that the Pastors of Presbytery are devoting themselves diligently to their sacred calling and to encourage Ruling Elders as they oversee the people of God under their care. MCRC Members:

TE Aldo Leon, Chair Email
TE Robert Pacienza
RE Jeff Bercaw


This Committee is charged with facilitating the efforts of the individual churches of Presbytery in areas of broad outreach and ministry to our community. Presbytery Life is a support body seeking to bring together ministry leaders from all of our churches into direct communication and counsel to help one another serve our communities through evangelism, church planting and missional communities, women’s and men’s ministries, training and developing leaders, including Elders, Deacons, PWM, and other efforts to better serve the Presbytery’s churches. Members:

CPM TE Larry Trotter, Clerk Email
TE Yamil Alejandro
TE Gavin Felix
TE John Houmes
TE Steve Lantz
TE Damon Palmer
TE Pablo Taledo

Stated Clerk’s office

TE Dr. Robbie Crouse, Clerk (Stated Clerk) Email
TE Caleb Koornneef, Assistant Clerk Email
TE Damon Palmer, Treasurer Email